I just thought these were cute of him. The other night he got out the broom and cleaned the whole floor. He also likes to dust, and clean the fridge. He's a good little helper.
We had a small party with my family on the 29th with cake and ice cream. Aunt Dina, Uncle Chris, Casey, and Olivia gave him his big wheel which he is starting to get the hang of. He can't quite reach the pedals, but he can push off with his feet.
Clayton just turned 2 years old on the 29th, so we decided it was time to change his room up and change his crib into a big boy bed. He seems to really like it. So far he hasn't fallen out, but we put pillows under his bed just in case. He got a TV from us, and Grandma bought him the table and chairs.
Jared and I dressed Clayton up and took him to the park hoping to get some cute pictures, but he wouldn't pose for us, so this is pretty much the best out of 20 pictures we took. He wouldn't sit still for one picture!