Wednesday, January 02, 2008

It's Cold!!!

Clayton and I have been spending a lot of time inside lately because it has been SO cold outside. He has developed a love for doing laundry. Whenever he hears me go into the laundry room and open up the washer or dryer, he comes running around the corner.  He has to be the one to unload the washer and hand me the wet clothes, and then I can put them in the dryer. It's so funny!
Although I hate the cold and the snow, Clayton loves it!  He loves putting on his boots, coat, hat, and mittens and going out in the cold.  
I know I posted earlier how much he hated playing in his new ball pit that Santa brought, but he has learned to love it.  Especially if mom or dad get in with him and play.  
Clayton has never been much into his stuffed animals, but lately he loves playing with his cat he got at Build a Bear that he named Allen. 
He has been carrying him around and giving him loves.  He never showed any interest in him until now.


Our Family said...

That picture with the cat is so cute, I love when they get cuddley with toys, Hailey is almost always carrying around some sort of stuffed animal.

Melissa said...

Tina! I haven't seen or talked to you forever but I am so glad that I found you through Jamil's page! It's good to catch up with you through the blog and see what you've been up to. Your little boy sure is a cutie!

eryka said...

Hey Tina! How's it going? I just found your page off Jamil's too. You have such a cute little family.