Tuesday, September 08, 2009

My big 3 year old

I love this picture.  Grandpa Jim (also known as Pipa) took some pictures for us last week.  Jared cropped this one so we could have a close up of him.  I just thought it was cute and would post it.  That's all. 

1 comment:

The Bell Fam said...


How are you? I hope all is good. I love keeping up on your business with your blog! Clayton is growing so fast!

Hey, I actually had a question for you. We are looking at houses right now...and I was curious where you guys are at. I think you are in Draper or something. We are looking around Draper, Sandy, well and everywhere else. But I love your plot of land. Could you email me: brittanytrujillo@hotmail.com

Thanks girl! We still need to get together. Maybe we can meet up with Jared and Scott for lunch one day?? Hope you are doing well. You look great as always!
