Friday, November 28, 2008

My Martha Stewart Moment

Yep!  I did it!  I made Thanksgiving.  Jared helped of course.  For you that know me, know that I can't cook.  I can bake cookies, cakes, and pies, but not "real food".  I can't even fry chicken, yet alone make a whole turkey!  I think it went pretty good, and I learned a lot!  I am happy to say that I bought a free-range turkey so it had a happy life before it was slaughtered.  (I do everything Oprah tells me to do).We had Jared's brother Logan and his girlfriend Ashley over, along with Jared's mom Souzzann and Jim.  Clayton fell asleep at the top of the stairs, so he missed much of the dinner, which honestly was nice.  I rarely get to have a meal without having to try to force feed
 him some food.  Here's my man carving the turkey.

1 comment:

Jocelyn Allan said...

WOW! From what you said about your cooking I didn't think this was possible!:) Good job!